Our paper Dnabarcoder: An open-source software package for analysing and predicting DNA sequence similarity cutoffs for fungal sequence identification is out!
“Metabarcoding loses significant resolution and scientific explanatory power by relying on a single similarity cut-off for taxonomic assignment”.
Dnabarcoder can be used to calculate similarity cutoffs for sequence identification for different clades of fungi and other organisms. The source code of the dnabarcoder is available at my github page: https://github.com/vuthuyduong/dnabarcoder.

Duong Vu, R. Henrik Nilsson, Gerard J.M. Verkley (2022). dnabarcoder: an open-source software package for analyzing and predicting DNA sequence similarity cut-offs for fungal sequence identification. Molecular Ecology Resources. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13651